Friday, June 27, 2008


_MG_2835, originally uploaded by Conch0608.


_MG_2852, originally uploaded by Conch0608.


_MG_2877, originally uploaded by Conch0608.

Hunter in his lederhosen from German - passed down from his Uncle Matt


_MG_2643WEB, originally uploaded by Conch0608.

My fairy princess - dressed in a tutu I made.


_MG_2636 web, originally uploaded by Conch0608.


_MG_2600 web, originally uploaded by Conch0608.


_MG_2561, originally uploaded by Conch0608.

This is Juleya. Sweet sweet baby girl at 1 week, 1 day.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Oh good grief - I knew this would happen. Totally fizzled on the one picture a day. I think I have a pretty good excuse though...lets see. Got very very sick at the end of a difficult pregnancy, bought a house the day before giving birth, sold my house within 3 weeks of giving birth, moved within 7 weeks of giving birth and I'm really just starting to pick up my camera again in the last couple of weeks. However I have a new passion for photography that was just never there before. I loved it - but now I LOVE love it. I want to do it all the time. So buckle up folks - this blog will be updated shortly with some of my recents!