Saturday, January 19, 2008

Day 18

Day 18, originally uploaded by Conch0608.

Little boys and technology

Day 17

Day 13, originally uploaded by Conch0608.

Working on my black and white/sepia conversions.

Day 16

Day 12, originally uploaded by Conch0608.

Well I didn't snap this one - DH did but I set it up so I figure it counts! 31 weeks pregnant.

Day 15

Day 11, originally uploaded by Conch0608.

Another speedlight practice shot.

Day 14

Day 10, originally uploaded by Conch0608.

Working on dragging the shutter technique. Getting more consistant results with my speedlight!!

Day 13

Day 9, originally uploaded by Conch0608.

Moments before bed

Day 12

Day 8, originally uploaded by Conch0608.

Quick snapshot in the car. Practicing getting some good catchlights with my speedlight.

Day 11

Day 7-ish (my bad again), originally uploaded by Conch0608.

Tried some different editing with his eyes - I'm thinking they look a little two blue although I didn't do anything other than a levels adjustment to just the eyes.

This was Daddy's birthday party...

Day 10

Oops - missed another one...eep!

Day 9

Another Loki picture since Hunter had gone to bed. Just a quick snapshot before bed.

Day 8

Oops - my first miss!


7/365, originally uploaded by Conch0608.

Loki makes himself comfortable in my temporarily vacated seat.


6/365, originally uploaded by Conch0608.

Ok I know this is a "bad" picture - but I love it - it makes me giggle. He was being so difficult and I couldn't get anything good of him. This one reminds me of his favorite game..."PEEK!"


5/365, originally uploaded by Conch0608.

Hunter's Karaoke mic from his Oma and Opa. He'll often offer it to one of us to sing into. When I snapped this picture he was offering it to the "baby" to sing.


4/365, originally uploaded by Conch0608.

First time we've ever dressed him up warm and headed out to play in the snow. He wasn't sure how to walk in it - he's getting better though!

May I help you? (3/365)

May I help you? (3/365), originally uploaded by Conch0608.


2/365, originally uploaded by Conch0608.

All day he was getting into everything. I felt like a broken record saying "Don't touch" every two seconds.

Day 1 - Blowing Kisses

IMG_0855_edited-1, originally uploaded by Conch0608.

Starting Jan 2nd I am attempting the 365 day challenge where I get a picture everyday. I thought I would post to my blog as well. I love this one I got on my first day of the challenge. He was blowing me a kiss with his little intense expression.