Today I fought the hussle and bustle of downtown and went to city center to pay for and pick up my business licence. This was really the last thing that needed to happen for me to be "official". It was fun to walk around a downtown mall. It's got it's own Christmas spirit I find. I'm done my Christmas shopping (thankfully!) so it was nice to just meander rather than feel the pressure of needing to stand in line and fight the crowds.
Had an interesting chat with my mom about something many churches are doing this year called the "advent conspiracy". Now I dont' know that much about it but the way I understand it is basically saying "no" to a materialistic christmas and really coming back to the reason for the season. Now I am a big believer in a simple Christmas celebrating the birth of Christ but something about this just strikes me funny. I see alot of Christians (myself included) that quickly hop on board this train for the 4 weeks of Christmas. After all - it's a good feeling this self righteous feeling that I am turning my back on the world and for this christmas (at least) living the simple life. Oh yeah and celebrating Jesus. What happens when Christmas is over? What about next Christmas? I find that I really respect those who have made this a quiet part of their life rather than a one-time following of a fad. Maybe I'm being a little rough on this idea...perhaps it's just that I recognize the pharasaical tendancies in myself...
10 years ago
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